Today, I got back from V's house, I stayed for longer than I was supposed to at first, but we had fun!
We watched a few horror movies, finally we got to it and watched Ps. I love you, and I must say, it really is worth the watch. I must get it on DVD, it was so cute ;__; ♥
I also began playing Pokemon emerald, and to step out of the pretty box, I'm trying not to end up with the same party pokemon as last time...
Which is why I chose Torchic as a starter, which is weird... but I'll survive. (Yes, I also chose Torchic so I can eventually transfer it to Soulsilver, as I already have the two other Hoenn starters on it, hehe)
I promise myself not to start training Tailow, 'cause he'd end up in my party which would suck XD but I did catch one, I named him Sam. I think.
I'm thinking Skarmory for my flying part (I have my needs, you know!), liking the fact he's also steel type, yay!
Nanananinaaa~ *insert random hime trance here*
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? Yes.
Don't really have much more to say, I'm leaving winter wonderland tomorrow, going back to the dorm. School starts on Monday!
See ya!
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