Hello, and Merry Christmas! ...Well, it might not be Christmas yet, but I'm at a Christmas party, and my dear group of friends is here, two of them haven't arrived yet though, but in a couple of hours, we're all here, together at last.
B is cooking, M just got us some popcorns, A is running around like crazy, and I decided to update while I've got some time. R is coming within an hour and A2 is coming along sometime later. The Christmas presents are on the couch in the living room. There are so many and they are so pretty and colourful...♥
Now I've got some coke with plenty of ice, ah, heaven.
Oh, one thing definitely worth mentioning; M GOT ME CIGARETTES♥ Love you, girl. I'm so happy!
Now I'll go have some fun. See ya!
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